The Nomads have arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada. It took us a long ride through some of the most beautiful scenery one can imagine. Beautifully diverse as well, although the road through Nevada didn't show much of the expected desert views.
From Flagstaff on we had some of the best historic Route 66 landscapes and just before reaching Las Vegas city limits we arrived at Hoover Dam for a quick pit stop. Unexpectedly we bumped into our family there and I could not help myself from singing: "It's a small world after all..." After some typically disgusting Cafe Americano (explaining a lot of the success of Starbucks) and animated conversation with my best man and upcoming parents in law we rode off to Las Vegas, city of sin and wedding chapels, the latter being of particular interest.
A short ride further we were at the office for wedding licenses in Las Vegas and with only our passports and the code of our online application we were able to leave with the desired document, a mere 15 minutes and 60 dollars later. The other couples there consisted of 2 American and 1 European 'spur of the moment' couples, as well as a foreign Asian couple with their parents. In our slightly more prepared line (the ones with online application codes) there was 1 couple in front of us consisting of a white american guy and a foreign black girl (that could hardly speak any English), and behind us an African American couple from New York.
The sign inside the office was well worth taking a picture of, the wedding chapel sales persons outside not so much.
It was a matter of days now before 2 Nomads would be united. They say whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Well not in our case.
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